Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Happy Monday!!!!

Am I the only one who LOVES Mondays? Maybe its because I no longer work in an office setting (for the time being, but those days will be back...and that right soon), but I LOVE the fact that Mondays signify a new week which is also a new chance to get things right! What could be better? Technically, every new day is another chance to get things right, however I try to start Mondays off with the same belief system.

So, above you will note a pretty cool quote (no, I did not intend on making that last bit rhyme).  I came across this image/quote this morning whilst "Google-ing" some inspirational images.  This one is just awesome.  Its almost the same idea as the definition of insanity.  I believe the definition of 'insanity' is: 'doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results' (of course, that's me paraphrasing).  And to me, that is exactly what the above quote is getting at.  If we continue to do the same things we have always done (i.e., eat unhealthy, not working out, sitting around, remaining stagnant, being unhappy, etc) then we will continue to get what we've always gotten (i.e. unhappiness, obesity, anger, depression, etc).

I'm reminded of a conversation I had with a classmate in High School. Yes, I said HIGH SCHOOL. Today, I can't even remember this girl's name, but her face is forever burned in my brain because of the wisdom she dropped on me one day.  She was a Russian girl who I helped a lot in English and History classes, as she had a hard time grasping the concepts and the language differences.  She was cute! I would not call her chubby, but she told me that in her family and in her culture, she was considered "the chubby one".  This totally blew my mind because she was pretty much beautiful to me, and I was a good 4 inches taller and about 100lbs heavier than her (in high school remember, yes, I was a big girl back then too).  Anyway, she was reading a magazine one day in class when we had down time and she asked me to explain a phrase to her that she didn't quite understand (it was something about exercise or dieting).  This is how the conversation went:

Me- "Are you doing this diet/exercise stuff?"
Her- " No, I'm kind of doing my own thing, but I decided to change myself"
Me- "Change yourself?"
Her- "Yes.  I am unhappy with my appearance and I want to change it. So I am."
Me- *while giggling a little* "Oh, its just the easy, huh?"
Her- *genuinely confused by my laughter* "Yes, it is! If you don't like something about yourself, you don't have to just accept it.  You can change it.  If you want to change, then do it. Its that simple."

Mind Blown. Yep. I was pretty much speechless after she said that.  It was at the end of our Senior year and I was at an all time high weight (for my age then, I've since surpassed that after having my babies), and I was unhappy with my appearance and lack of physical health/fitness in general. Her words hit home with me and that summer, I started to 'change me' as she put it. Before I started college that next fall, I had lost almost 50lbs and never felt better.

Its funny how this story and those words of wisdom from her are coming back to me now.  Its the first thing I thought of when I read that quote this morning. Funny how that works, isn't it?  I feel great that this is the mindset I now have.  Its not so much about changing who I am as a person on the inside - because that person is pretty frickin' awesome and I love her to pieces - its more about changing my outward appearance to reflect that awesome person inside.  There's nothing wrong with that.

So, if you haven't already started on your resolutions/goals for the New Year, do it now! What better day to start than on a Monday? Every day is a chance to do things right, better, work harder, get more results. Remember that, and keep on going.

Until next time kiddos! ;)

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