Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Forgot! (10/365)

Did you ever forget? I did! It happened to me. Yes, I forgot to write an entry for Day I'm writing about Day 10 on Day 11. Yeah....get off my case about it.

Yesterday (Tuesday) was actually a very good day.  I got to the gym in the morning, had an AMAZING workout then I went to pick J and Jonah p from the child care center. Yeah. Not so good. Jeremiah had a problem with his "Potty Mouth" as the lady put it. He was telling people to shut up and calling other kids stupid and stinky heads. Oh man. That sucks. To get a report like that, it just makes you feel like you're doing something wrong as a parent. But I know I'm not, especially because there is no proven "right way" to parent your children. We just do our very best and thats that.

That situation above is probably why I forgot to write my entry last night.  I was dealing with an unruly 3yr old who did NOT want to be taught a lesson of how he should and should not act when in a public place with other little children. Yes, we battled last night and I was freaking tired! Also, I got a phone call yesterday afternoon to schedule an interview with a Law Firm in an area close to where I live! So, I was kind of preoccupied with preparing for that interview.

Anyway, no real "epiphanies" for Day 10...not that I've ever really had a profound epiphany. LOL

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